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carrot harvest basket insta

Building Farm Resilience in this Crisis

By Anu Rangarajan / March 13, 2020

Update 3/24/20: We have launched a curated resource page to support the farming community through this challenging time. Offering ideas on how we can take care of ourselves, our farms,…

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ryan maher reduced tillage image 4 cropped field day

In the News: Deep Dive into Compost

By Kelsie Raucher / March 13, 2020

Reduced tillage practices and weed suppression management are common goals of small-scale organic farmers.   A lesser-known method is deep-composting, which was presented by the Reduced Tillage Project and a…

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Soil sample

This Soil Bacteria Could Help Fight Climate Change

By Talia Isaacson / March 12, 2020

A new species of soil bacteria, discovered by Cornell University researchers, is particularly adept at breaking down organic matter, including the carcinogenic chemicals that are released from the burning of…

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Justine Vanden Heuvel holds the imaging system in a vineyard

Portable Imaging Tool Will Transform Gravevine Pruning

By Talia Isaacson / March 10, 2020

Pruning vines is one of the most important tasks of a viticulturist. If done improperly, the vine can produce yields that are either too high or too low, both of…

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Green jaded tomatoes in cherry tomato medley

Green Cherry Tomato ‘Jaded’ Offers Options in Color

By Talia Isaacson / March 4, 2020

Meet ‘Jaded’, the newest cherry tomato cultivar from Cornell Agritech! As part of a growing collection of diverse cherry tomato varieties, including the Galaxy Suite, Jaded offers growers a whole…

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dean koyanagi sfp staff headshot

In the News: Koyanagi Describes Farm Ops Partnerships, Support Across NYS

By Kelsie Raucher / March 2, 2020

With a recent expansion of the Canandaigua VA Medical Center’s “VA Farms” project, the Bath, NY VA Medical Center, will now be a second location for the project’s offerings. Our…

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larry smart hemp

Hot Hemp? It’s Likely the Genetics

By Kelsie Raucher / February 26, 2020

The popular held belief is that growing conditions can lead to hemp with too much THC, but a recent study by Cornell University researchers found that  genetics are the ultimate…

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Farm Ops Project to Continue Event Series for Veterans in Agriculture

By Kacey Deamer / February 17, 2020

We are pleased to announce that our Farm Ops project will be continuing its series of training workshops for veterans interested in agriculture throughout 2020. Opportunities include twelve single-day focused…

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Creating Corn to Survive the Cold Spells

By Kelsie Raucher / February 12, 2020

Though it is so prominent nation- and worldwide, corn is actually a tropical crop. As demand for food grows with a growing population, new efforts are in the works to…

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CCE 2019 CVP Telenko Hoepting 1

Extension and Growers Collaborate to Fight Leaf Blight

By Kelsie Raucher / February 6, 2020

The last five years have been challenging for onion growers in New York State, as a fungus has caused premature leaf death on onions in the field. More than 75%…

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Cornell Small Farms Program

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