Asylum Seekers & New Americans in New York Agriculture

Welcome to New York! Are you interested in employment in agriculture, food processing, and related industries?

Agriculture is the growing and selling of food, flowers and other plants, animals and dairy products either outdoors or inside in greenhouses. An agriculture-based business also includes animal health care, landscaping or garden management. Food manufacturing includes the making of products from milk, fruits, vegetables, or meat. Beverage processing includes making wine, cider, or beer from grapes, apples, or grains.

We are excited to share with you about working in NY agriculture and food manufacturing. We have many businesses who are looking for employees for full-time, year-round jobs. These jobs are from entry-level all the way to management.

To work in the U.S., you must have your Employment Authorization Document (EAD). You can apply for an Employment Authorization Document after submitting your application for asylum in the United States.

¡Bienvenido a Nueva York! ¿Estás interesado en un empleo en la agricultura, el procesamiento de alimentos y las industrias relacionadas?

La agricultura es el cultivo y venta de alimentos, flores y otras plantas, animales y productos lácteos, ya sea al aire libre o en invernaderos. Un negocio basado en la agricultura también incluye el cuidado de la salud animal, el paisajismo y el mantenimiento de jardines. La fabricación de alimentos incluye la elaboración de productos a partir de leche, frutas, verduras o carne. La elaboración de bebidas incluye la producción de vino, sidra o cerveza a partir de uvas, manzanas o cereales.

Estamos encantados de compartir con usted acerca de trabajar en la agricultura de Nueva York y la fabricación de alimentos. Tenemos muchas empresas que están buscando empleados para puestos de trabajo a tiempo completo durante todo el año. Estos trabajos van desde el nivel básico hasta la dirección.

Para trabajar en los EE.UU., usted debe tener su Employment Authorization Document (EAD), el documento de autorización de empleo. Puede solicitar un EAD después de presentar su solicitud de asilo en Estados Unidos.

Employment Authorization Document front
Employment Authorization Document back

This document must be presented to an employer for them to hire you.

Debe presentar este documento a un empleador para que le contrate.

Survey for Job Seekers

If you have received your EAD and would like to find a job in NY agriculture, please complete this survey. We will follow up with a message to you to confirm your contact details.

Survey - English | Encuesta - Español | Sondage - Français | Lanket - Wolof | Anketi - Türkçe | Aнкету - Русский | Sondaj - Kreyòl | კითხვარი - ქართული

You can learn more about working in New York's agriculture industry via the resources below.

Puede obtener más información sobre el trabajo en la industria agrícola de Nueva York a través de los recursos que se indican a continuación.

News and Updates

New Resources Available for Refugee Farmers in New York

By Kacey Deamer | February 15, 2019

Are you working with refugees in agriculture? This past year, the Cornell Small Farms Program developed new resources for refugee farmers and the agricultural service providers who support refugee communities.…

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Mapping Services for Ag Refugees in New York

By Violet Stone | May 24, 2018

Do you serve refugee farmers?   Groundswell Center for Local Food & Farming and the Cornell Small Farms Program are seeking to identify organizations who are working with refugee populations engaged in agriculture in New York…

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Refugees Build Farms and Community in Manchester, NH

By Kenston Dearborn | April 4, 2010

  The Somali Bantu Community Association of New Hampshire (SBCA-NH) is working with Southern New Hampshire Services (SNHS) to create a hands-on agricultural program for refugees living in Manchester.  Many…

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