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Pursue your Passion for Vegetables with Veggie Farming, Part 2

By Tara Hammonds / January 4, 2016

Veggie Farming, Part 2 (BF 121) From Season-Long Care to Harvest an online course through the Northeast Beginning Farmer Project Wed. February 24 – March 23, 2016, with webinars every…

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Complete a Marketing Plan to Guide Business Decisions

By Tara Hammonds / January 1, 2016

Effective Marketing for the Busy Farmer (BF 201) Sell Smarter, Not Harder an online course through the Northeast Beginning Farmer Project Mon. January 11 – February 21, 2016, with webinars every…

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Examine Potential Markets and Profitability

By Tara Hammonds / December 30, 2015

Markets and Profits (BF 102) Exploring the Feasibility of your Farming Ideas an online course through the Northeast Beginning Farmer Project Thurs. January 14-February 18, 2016, with webinars each Thursday evening…

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Explore Small-scale Grain Production from Pre-planting to Post-harvest

By Tara Hammonds / December 28, 2015

Small-Scale Organic Grain Production (BF 140) Is it right for you? an online course through the Northeast Beginning Farmer Project Tues. January 19 – February 23, 2016, with webinars each…

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Vegetable Farming: Learn Everything from Selection to Cultivation

By Tara Hammonds / December 26, 2015

 Vegetable Farming, Part 1 (BF 120) From Planning to Planting an online course through the Northeast Beginning Farmer Project Wed. January 13 – February 17, 2016 with seminars each Wednesday…

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Business Planning Courses From NE Beginning Farmer Project

By Carli Fraccarolli / December 8, 2015

Farm smarter with business planning courses offered online this winter from NE Beginning Farmer Project! While knowledge of how to grow a crop is critical to small farm success, equally important are…

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Review and Comment on CNG's Mushroom Standards

By Carli Fraccarolli / December 4, 2015

Certified Naturally Grown (CNG) is pleased to announce that their Draft Mushroom Standards have been posted for public review. You are invited to take a close look at them and share your feedback. This…

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Beginning Farmer Workshop Series

By Carli Fraccarolli / November 20, 2015

Have you been managing (whether you own your own business or work for someone) a farm business for four to seven years?   If you have, are you at a place…

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Learn to Farm Online This Winter From NE Beginning Farmer Project!

By Carli Fraccarolli / November 10, 2015

Winter is a great time for farmers to rest, slow down the pace, and build new skills for the coming growing season. The Cornell Small Farms Program is pleased to announce the winter…

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Cultivating Customers Webinar: Using the internet to Drive Farm Sales

By Carli Fraccarolli / November 6, 2015

A commonsense approach to using the internet to drive sales at farmers markets for busy farmers. We’ll plan a marketing system to help market your farm through the growing season.…

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Cornell Small Farms Program

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