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Consider Deep Pack Barns for Cow Comfort and Manure Management

By Maryn Carlson / April 20, 2012

By A. Fay Benson Small dairy farm operators may soon be faced with the prohibition of winter spreading of manure. Any farmer considering updating their barns should consider a style…

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Value Added Dairy: Making Cheese

By Maryn Carlson / April 20, 2012

by Corey Hayes and Peggy Murray Have you ever heard the old saying “Go big or go home”? Usually it is referencing taking on a new challenge in someone’s life or…

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Achieving Low Costs of Producing a Cwt. of Milk

By Violet Stone / April 19, 2012

by John J. Hanchar INTRODUCTION Economic efficiency is the ability to realize a favorable relationship between input use and output based upon economic measures such as the value of production,…

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Custom Hay Harvest for the Small Dairy

By Violet Stone / April 19, 2012

by Mariane Kiraly This Farm decided that the upfront cost was less than the return of high quality forages and lower labor needed to complete the harvest. Streamview Dairy has…

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The “Perfect” Sheep Pasture

By Ulf Kintzel  / April 2, 2012

“The perfect is the enemy of the good.” Voltaire In a sheep farming operation that relies on grazing alone without feeding any grain, the pasture is of utmost importance. If…

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Springside Farm’s Many Baskets

By Maryn Carlson / April 2, 2012

by Larkin Kimmerer When Ed and Paulie Drexler started dairy farming together right out of college, they received a piece of advice from a professor at Cornell University: if you…

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Grazing and the Good Life

By Meg Schader / April 2, 2012

This article was one of four winning entries in a writing contest sponsored by the New York State Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative (GLCI). GLCI is led by a Steering Committee…

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Winter versus Spring Lambing

By Ulf Kintzel  / January 9, 2012

In past decades it was common wisdom to lamb in the barn during the winter months in January and February. It was heavily promoted as the right thing to do.…

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Why I Graze

By Sally Fairbairn / January 9, 2012

This article was one of four winning entries in a writing contest sponsored by the New York State Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative (GLCI).  GLCI is led by a Steering Committee…

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Turning Sand into Soil

By Anne Lincoln / January 9, 2012

This article was one of four winning entries in a writing contest sponsored by the New York State Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative (GLCI).  GLCI is led by a Steering Committee…

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Cornell Small Farms Program

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