Posts by Petra Page-Mann

Growing up in her father’s garden in the Finger Lakes of New York, Petra believes each seed and each of us is in the world to change the world. In 2012 she founded Fruition Seeds to share the seeds, knowledge and inspiration gardeners need to be more successful in the Northeast.  Don’t hesitate to strike up a conversation by contacting her at 
Two seedlings growing out of soil blocks.

Soil Blocking in Five Easy Steps

By Petra Page-Mann / April 5, 2021

Soil blocks can lead to the remarkable health of transplants compared to their cousins grown in cell trays.  The Dutch have been developing modern soil blocking for nearly a century.  Planting seeds…

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Easy Ways to Harvest More this Fall

By Petra Page-Mann / October 20, 2020

Here in the Northeast, finding easy ways to extend our season is essential to eating well as the days grow short.   After years of working on farms and experimenting at…

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A handful of garlic with flowers in the background

Secrets of Storing Garlic

By Petra Page-Mann / July 20, 2020

The storage life of your garlic is a complex equation. I love eating garlic all season long. I’ve let untold bulbs of garlic sprout, shrivel and mold over the years.…

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Don’t Judge a Carrot by the Cover

By Petra Page-Mann / April 6, 2020

At first glance, the “Dulcinea” is simply a carrot. But this new variety is so much more, and could outlast us by countless generations. Don’t judge a book by its…

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seed saving fruition seeds SFQ cilantro

How Long Do Seeds Last?

By Petra Page-Mann / January 13, 2020

Fruition’s Seeds Storing Strategies  Whether you have a handful of your family’s heirloom beans or you simply wish to keep your germination rates high for next season, storing your seeds well…

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garlic planting

Six Mistakes to Avoid When Planting Garlic & Shallots

By Petra Page-Mann / October 7, 2019

Here are the keys to surrounding yourself with beauty and abundance. Garlic and shallots are among the easiest and most rewarding crops to grow, though harvesting gorgeously massive, long-storing bulbs…

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Page Mann Stories Storytelling and Infographics Infographic 1 1147y39

Stories, Seeds & Infographics

By Petra Page-Mann / April 6, 2018

New ways of telling stories in the 21st Century There are so many ways to tell a story. Over tea, reading a book, at the theater, or in the Small Farm Quarterly. In the…

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New Heirloom Vegetables for the Finger Lakes

By Petra Page-Mann / January 8, 2018

Visionary collaborations are creating new varieties to thrive in the Finger Lakes — which ones will become heirlooms for future generations? Although they materialize everyday before our eyes, new books…

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Cultivating the Heirlooms of Tomorrow

By Petra Page-Mann / July 8, 2014

Whether you plant seeds or not! Do you breed new vegetable varieties? Do you save seed? Do you wear clothes and eat food? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of…

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Four Easy Seeds to Save This Season

By Petra Page-Mann / April 7, 2014

Why save seed? You’ll have seed better suited to your farm or garden than any you could buy.  You’ll  learn tons about plants, food and yourself in the process.  Growing,…

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