Year: 2012

April Small Farms Update

By Violet Stone / April 16, 2012
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Announcements Summit Resources Posted Online Workshop Highlights Opportunities for New York Cheese Makers, Small Dairies Upcoming Events Sponsored Events Beginning Farmer Events Other Events Career etc. Opportunities Livestock Resource Educator…

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Using Foster Mother Hens to Raise Chicks on the “Cheap”

By Elizabeth Rosen / April 4, 2012
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Welcome to the Northeast SARE Spotlight!  SARE (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education) offers grants to farmers, educators, universities and communities that are working to make agriculture more sustainable – economically,…

Violet Stone

Cornell Small Farms Program Update- Spring 2012

By Violet Stone / April 4, 2012
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Message from the Managing Editor Happy Spring!  Looking out the window of the Cornell Small Farms Program office here in Ithaca, NY, the crocuses and aconites have burst into bloom,…

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The “Perfect” Sheep Pasture

By Ulf Kintzel  / April 2, 2012
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“The perfect is the enemy of the good.” Voltaire In a sheep farming operation that relies on grazing alone without feeding any grain, the pasture is of utmost importance. If…

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Photo Essay: Spring Peeping

By Maryn Carlson / April 2, 2012
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Welcome to our new photo essay feature! For 2012, we’ll be bringing you seasonal images from the Whole Systems Design Research Farm in the Mad River Valley region of Vermont.…

Recirculating Farms: Growing healthy, fresh food and a new local food culture

By Molly Davis / April 2, 2012
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Facing an average nightly low of 21 degrees, most Boston-area farmers throw their hands up in January and take a break. But with recirculating farms — which can grow plants…

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Pricing Your Meat Cuts

By Brian Moyer / April 2, 2012
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So, you’re thinking about raising livestock for direct-to-consumer sales. You’ve figured out what kind of livestock you want to raise, what kind of infrastructure you will need, soil tested your…

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Is Your Honey Green? New Apiary Certification Program for Natural Beekeepers

By Alice Varon / April 2, 2012
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by Dr. Buddy Marterre and Alice Varon We all know honey bee health is threatened by pesticides, monoculture crops, in-hive chemical treatments, pests and diseases, and colony collapse disorder, among…

Gleaning More of New York’s Harvest

By Rebecca Schuelke Staehr / April 2, 2012
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A new collaboration among farmers, Cornell University and New York’s food banks aims to increase the amount of gleaning, or food donated directly from farms to the state’s hungry. Gleaning…

Faces of our Food System: J. Kings

By Becca Jablonski / April 2, 2012
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Get to know a local food distributor in our 2012 feature series. This article is the second in a series highlighting distributors of New York State farm-grown products. For our…