Posts by Fay Benson

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Ghana: Putting A Face On 7 Billion People

By Fay Benson / July 4, 2011

How to feed the approaching world population of 7 Billion people has been a compelling question for me as I talk to farmers and educators in my work with Cornell…

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heiferspastures 12ozm8z

Health Benefits of Grazing Dairy Heifers

By Fay Benson / January 9, 2011

  I recently completed a comparison of raising pregnant dairy replacement heifers in Confinement vs. Management Intensive Grazing (MIG). This study showed the animals raised in MIG had far fewer…

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There is More Than One Way to Milk a Cow

By Fay Benson / April 4, 2010

New Zealanders Change the Dairy Paradigm in Missouri The contrast between a U.S. dairy management style and the New Zealand grazing dairy approach was easy to see at a grazing…

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