Conference Spotlight: SFP Presenting in Early 2019
The Cornell Small Farms Program will be attending several conferences in early 2019. From presentations of our research to special events, you can connect with the our team and fellow farmers at the conferences listed below.
New York State Vegetable Growers Association 2019 Empire State Producer’s Expo
Reduced Tillage Project: Ryan Maher, Brian Caldwell, & Haley Rylander
Tuesday, January 15, 2019 10:45 am – 12:00 pm
Attend the Soil Health Sessions at the 2019 Empire State Producers Expo to learn how you can use cover cropping and reduced tillage practices in vegetables. Learn from experienced farmers that have adapted tools and systems to work for their farm, the benefits they have seen, and the challenges they still face. Get a below ground look at cover crops, hear about successes with organic reduced tillage on small farms, and follow the state-wide effort to support farmers in adopting soil health practices. Come to think through strategies that will work to reduce inputs and improve soil productivity on your farm.
Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York Climate of Change Conference
Farm Ops: Veterans in Agriculture: Dean Koyanagi and Shaun Bluethenthal
Friday, January 18, 2019 4:00 pm
The National Center of Appropriate Technology (NCAT) and the Cornell Small Farms Program are hosting a farmer veteran meet-up at the NOFA-NY 2019 Winter Conference on January 18th, 2019 at 4:00pm. NCAT runs the Armed to Farm program, a week-long intensive training for military veterans, and is building a network of farmer veterans throughout the country. The meet-up will be a chance for NY farmer veterans to connect with each other, discuss available trainings, and explore opportunities for cooperation.
Half-Day Intensive: Tarps, Tillage and Time: What’s Happening with your Soils and Weeds?
Saturday, January 19, 2019 8:00 am – 10:45 am
Using black tarps in crop management can reduce tillage, reduce weed pressure, increase crop yield, and preserve prepared soil for weeks or even months prior to planting. Learn about research results and farmer experiences on best strategies to integrate tarping into vegetable systems. Come prepared to have a deep discussion, share your own successes and challenges, and think through the next steps for better tarping on your farm.
Pennsylvania Sustainable Agriculture Annual Conference
Beginner Farmer Learning Network: Erica Frenay
Saturday, February 9 7:30 am – 4:00 pm
This annual meeting is an opportunity for all farm service providers to learn from each other and discuss the successes and challenges they encounter as they support beginning farmers through their first 10 years of business. The morning program integrates with the full conference. The group will meet together for lunch and through the afternoon.