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Baskets to Pallets Logo 1

Register Now for Baskets to Pallets Marketing Intensive

By Violet Stone / January 28, 2020

Are you in search of new markets? Are you considering wholesale channels such as food hubs, grocery stores, schools, restaurants, and cooperatives? Treat yourself to a holistic training that offers…

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Learn Ways to Boost Your Farm Business with Online Courses

By Kacey Deamer / January 27, 2020

Our current season of online courses is underway, and the last block of courses will start live content at the end of February. With two business courses, a grazing management…

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indoor mushroom harvest

Free Webinar Series Will Teach Commercial Specialty Mushroom Production

By Steve Gabriel / January 22, 2020

Learn to develop and implement a business plan for growing mushrooms commercially with an upcoming webinar series from our Specialty Mushrooms project and our project partner Fungi Ally. The webinars…

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small farms program logo

Where to Connect with the Small Farms Team this Winter

By Kelsie Raucher / January 14, 2020

Winter is traditionally a season filled with farmer and association conferences, and this year is no different. Our team will be traveling around New York State, and beyond, to share…

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New Community Mushroom Educator Program Offered in 2020

By Steve Gabriel / January 10, 2020

Join our new network of educators to learn how to grow and sell mushrooms, and teach these skills in the community you serve. With support from USDA-SARE and USDA-AFRI, Cornell…

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Winter Ready? CCE Podcast Shares Tips to Weatherize Your Home

By Kelsie Raucher / January 8, 2020

Snowstorms and frigid temperatures make winter preparation in the Northeast a serious undertaking.  Cornell Cornell Cooperative Extension’s (CCE) podcast Extension Out Loud hosted a “Winter Readiness Round Table” with extension…

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bowl of cherry tomatoes

Caring for Your Farm’s Greatest Asset

By Violet Stone / December 16, 2019

Our new research project creates spaces for farmers to experience holistic health and renewal. What is your farm’s greatest asset? Deep, fertile soil? A steady, hard-working farm crew? A reliable…

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In the News: How We Help NYS Farmers Implement Reduced Tillage Systems

By Anna Birn / December 16, 2019

Sweeping problems under the rug usually leads to larger problems in the future, unless of course, the problem is weeds and the rug is tarps. Tarping fields as a weed…

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red barn hills trees unspalsh

In the News: Our Comms Specialist Talks Farmer Succession with New York Times

By Kelsie Raucher / December 13, 2019

Farms all over the country are closing their operations having not found a successor for their farm business. New York is not immune to the challenge, nor are multi-generation family…

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Cornell Awarded for Work with Farmworkers

By Anna Birn / December 11, 2019

On November 10th, Cornell University was awarded the C. Peter Magrath Community Engagement Scholarship Award for its ongoing work with farmworkers in New York State. This award, complete with a $20,000…

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Cornell Small Farms Program

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