Posts by Mason Donovan

Mason Donovan owns a hay farm in Boscawen, NH and founded The Yard Project organization to protect farmland, promote sustainable organic practices and assist local farmers. He can be reached by email at
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Diversified Portfolio: Not Just for Wall Street

By Mason Donovan / July 1, 2013

Open any financial advice magazine over the past decade and the single most popular advice given will be to make sure you maintain a diversified portfolio; basically, spread your money…

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Growing Communities

By Mason Donovan / June 27, 2012

In the beginning of our humble American nation, we had strong communities tied around local family farms.  As we grew in population, the farms decreased along with the community connection. …

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Tomato Therapy

By Mason Donovan / April 2, 2012

  There are so many reasons why we decide to be farmers. Traditionally it has been a profession passed down from one generation to the next. You were often expected…

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Second Life Farming

By Mason Donovan / January 9, 2012

The age old question of, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” is typically directed towards children, but has been coopted by a much older population these…

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