Effective Marketing for the Busy Farmer (BF 201)

Most of us go into farming with the thought of making some – or all – of our
livelihood through the sale of what we make or grow. As you grow your operation to provide more of your family’s income, having a carefully planned marketing strategy becomes more critical.
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Completion of this online course will enable you to better understand how to price your products, position yourself in the “buy local”, direct sales or wholesale marketplace, and understand low-cost “guerrilla” marketing tactics to get the best bang for your buck and make your farm operation financially sustainable. If you complete the activities in this course, you will possess a marketing plan to guide decisions for which market channels to enter, branding and crisis management plans and pricing guidelines for your farm products.
This course will help you:

  • Link your farm’s mission and vision to your commercial goals and marketing strategy
  • Understand the key elements of a solid marketing plan
  • Define who your target customers are and how to most effectively reach them
  • Develop and implement effective marketing strategies
  • Assign various pricing strategies depending on the product and market
  • Understand what a “brand” is and how to relate it back to your marketing activities
  • Create a marketing plan through weekly input from the course instructors

DATES: November 9 – December 14, 2016 with webinars each Wednesday evening from 6:00-7:30pm Eastern time.
LEARN MORE AND REGISTER: http://www.nebeginningfarmers.org/online-courses/all-courses/bf-201-making-money/

Avatar of Carli Fraccarolli

Carli Fraccarolli

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  1. Avatar of Billy Billy on June 25, 2024 at 7:55 am

    i like it!!!

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