Cornell Small Farms Update- Winter 2011
Message from the Managing Editor
Happy New Year! As I sit in my toasty office organizing content for this first issue of 2011, snow is softly falling outside the window. We have some new and exciting columns to introduce that will appear regularly throughout 2011. The first, ‘Technology on the Farm”, will focus on the latest technology farmers are using, be it newest innovations in farm equipment, record keeping software, or social networking tools. The second, ‘Urban Agriculture’ is an important emerging area for small farms and one that the Small Farm Quarterly will be giving more consistent attention to. Farming in urban and suburban areas poses a unique set of challenges and yet must continue to grow and thrive if we are to expand our local food systems in proximity to population dense areas. As always, we welcome your comments and feedback. Drop us a line at anytime. I hope you enjoy this issue and wish you a happy, productive year ahead!
-Violet Stone
Online Course: Making Money Selling What You Grow
The Cornell Small Farms Program is once again offering the popular online course: Markets & Profits: Making Money Selling What You Grow. The course runs from January 20th to March 2nd. Explore market opportunities and profit potential for your product to take your planning to the next level. Join experienced CCE and farmer instructors and 25 of your farmer peers in a dynamic learning experience that incorporates both self-paced readings and real-time virtual meetings with discussion forums, homework activities, guest presenters, and developing a customized plan for your next steps in farming.
Green Grass, Green Jobs Report Available!
The Cornell Small Farms Workteam on Grasslands Utilization is pleased to announce that a new report “Green Grass, Green Jobs: Increasing Livestock Production on Underutilized Grasslands in NYS” is now available. The report is the culmination of two years of statewide research by a team of interdisciplinary educators across New York state. The report focuses on recommended actions in research, education, extension, and policy to realize the potential of our grasslands as a farming resource that will spur rural economic development, grow the regional food supply, and enhance environmental outcomes for all citizens of NYS.
Among some of the topics included in the report are: why increased livestock utilization of NY’s grasslands make sense; livestock production and marketing opportunities; barriers to increased livestock utilization of NYS grasslands; and recommendations and inventory of grasslands management resources of NYS landowners & farmers.
“Green Grass, Green Jobs: Increasing Livestock Production on Underutilized Grasslands in NYS” is available as a free download from the Cornell Small Farms website.