Posts by Stephen Stresow

Stephen is a junior in CALS studying Plant Sciences with a concentration in Organic Agriculture and minors in Soil Science and Crop Management. He managed a vegetable garden as a Master Gardener in high school and has now scaled up that passion to sustainable vegetable production on small-scale farms. He is interested in improving agroecological practices and making them more accessible to farmers with the overarching goal of creating a more resilient food system. After a primarily virtual semester, Stephen is excited to get his hands dirty at the Research Farm this summer!
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Seed Catalog Created Specifically for New Yorkers

By Stephen Stresow / April 26, 2023

Wondering what to grow in your garden? Now you can consult Cornell’s Community Science Catalog As they anxiously await the upcoming growing season (and warmer weather), many farmers and gardeners…

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SFQ weedbank tarps

Tarps, Mulch, and Timing: No-Till Tools to Rob the Weed Seedbank

By Stephen Stresow / April 3, 2023

Research shows how the legacy of tarping and mulching can lead to fewer weeds in no–till vegetables. By Stephen Stresow and Ryan Maher The Woes of Weeding  One of the…

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stephen cals cce podcast

In the News: Small Farms Intern Featured in Extension Out Loud Podcast

By Stephen Stresow / March 13, 2023

In the latest episode of “Extension Out Loud,” a podcast by Cornell Cooperative Extension, one of the Cornell Small Farms Program’s interns, Stephen Stresow, shared his expertise about selecting, sowing,…

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The Empire (State) Strikes Back: Expo Recordings Now Available

By Stephen Stresow / March 10, 2022

Pass the time waiting for winter to turn to spring with new educational videos. Recordings from the 2022 Empire State Producers Expo are now available on the Cornell School of…

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Learn About Tarping on Northeast Farms with New Guide

By Stephen Stresow / February 23, 2022

Are you curious about how tarps work? Want to learn from successful practices as well as the challenges and shortcomings? Our Reduced Tillage project is happy to share a new…

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sheep solar grazing cornell

Shepherding the Sun: Grazing Sheep Under Solar Arrays

By Stephen Stresow / October 20, 2021

Sunlight is a precious resource in Central New York and a new collaboration between farmers and Cornell is looking at ways to harness it using technology that truly puts the…

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In the News: Our Agroforestry Educator Featured in “Sweet Talk” Podcast

By Stephen Stresow / September 20, 2021

In the latest episode of “Sweet Talk: All Things Maple,” a podcast by the Cornell Maple Program, the Cornell Small Farms Program’s specialty mushroom and agroforestry extension specialist, Steve Gabriel,…

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Fighting Feces with Fire: Research Shows How to Transform Manure into Dry Fertilizer

By Stephen Stresow / September 6, 2021

Managing cow manure has historically been a hassle for farmers, but new research shows how it can be transformed into valuable dry fertilizer.  By using a process called pyrolysis, which…

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