Posts by Carli Fraccarolli

Active Soil Building for Home and Farm – June 27th in Mecklenburg, NY

By Carli Fraccarolli / June 15, 2015

Join Steve & Elizabeth Gabriel and Jake Delisle at Wellspring Forest Farm to learn about active soil building! Learn a whole systems permaculture approach to seeing and working with soils on…

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Drought Concerns: Milo and Forage Sorghum as Potential Alternatives

By Carli Fraccarolli / June 12, 2015

The region is lacking a lot of needed moisture going into the growing season. Due to these conditions we need to start looking at potential alternatives for forage production. Forage…

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Add Your Voice to the Young Farmer Success Act of 2015!

By Carli Fraccarolli / June 10, 2015

Student Loan Debt Is an Obstacle For Many Americans, But Often an Insurmountable One for Young Farmers America needs 100,000 young farmers!  Bringing young people back to the farm or…

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