Integrated Pest Management

Integrated Pest Management Research


Over the past decade researchers have developed an integrated pest management approach for dealing with weeds in small ponds and lakes. The step-wise approach includes an overview of the benefits of aquatic plants in ponds, evaluating a set of criteria to determine which aquatic weed management strategy will be most successful, and a summary of advantages and disadvantages of the eight different strategies that are available. 
Top Impact from Work Thus Far: The Pond Guidebook received the 2009 Best Book Award from the NYS Agricultural Educators Association.
For more information: The Pond Guidebook can be viewed as a PDF or purchased at think link:
Duration:Ongoing, started in 1998 
Project Leader(s): Rebecca Schneider, 607-255-2110,
Potential Benefits for Small Farms: An IPM approach to pond weed management can improve pond water quality for dairy cows, for fish and other valuable wildlife, and for recreational swimming

Integrated Pest Management Extension Resources

New York State IPM Program
The NYS IPM Program is an integrated research-extension program. The mission of the NYS IPM Program is to help develop and deliver pest management tools that pose minimal environmental, economic and human health risks. Contact your local Cornell Cooperative Extension association to find out what’s happening locally.
For a catalog of print publications call 1-800-635-8356. The IPM web site includes sections on Fruit Crops, Livestock, Field Crops, Nursery and Greenhouse, Landscape and Turfgrass, Field Crops, and Vegetable Crops at:
Network for Environment & Weather Applications
The Network for Environment & Weather Applications provides weather information, forecasts, insect models, and disease forecasts designed to help farmers reduce crop losses, improve IPM practices, save on spray applications, and improve planning for crop management.  Users have reported that they can save, on average, $19,500 per year in spray costs and prevent, on average, $264,000 per year in crop loss as a direct result of using NEWA pest forecast models.  To access the network, please visit  For more information, contact Juliet Carroll, New York State IPM Program, 315-787-2430,
Trac Software
NYS IPM designed this software that allows farmers to keep records up-to-date, generate reports, analyze pest management strategies and improve their IPM practices. Instead of filling out several forms for different reports, enter the record once in Trac software. Trac creates reports for you, plus an EPA Worker Protection Standard (WPS) Central Posting form.  To access this software, please visit  For more information, contact Juliet Carroll, New York State IPM Program, 315-787-2430,

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