Cornell Small Farms Program Update

Message from the Managing Editor

Happy Spring!  As I write this message, it’s still cold enough outside to put the large pot of leftover stew that won’t fit in the fridge on the porch overnight.  While some might complain about the lingering cold weather, most of the farmers I know are grateful for the time of rest, reflection, book-keeping and planning for the growing season ahead.  As many of you head to the greenhouse to start sowing seeds, be sure to check out our inaugural ‘Seed Stories’ column in this issue.  The column draws attention to seed origin, diversity and tenacity, and provides thoughtful insights into the seeds we buy and plant.

I am also pleased to feature a long-distance story in the Spring Edition, an account of farming in Alaska from Ruby Peck-Hollembaek.  Several years ago Ruby wrote to tell me she enjoyed getting the Quarterly in her mailbox at her 2000 acre bison and elk ranch near Delta Junction.  I had the pleasure of meeting her last Fall when she made the trip east to tour small farms and take photos and stories back to her community.  Local food production and food security is an important concern in Alaska communities and while we have a much longer and warmer growing season in the Northeast, we share many of the same logistical challenges to expanding the small farm movement with our friends in northern climates.  Furthermore, we have a lot to learn from Alaskans about creative recipes for rhubarb!

By the way, if you have a creative recipe you’d like to share, a farm photograph, blog entry, reflection, how-to advice, question, or success story, be sure to drop us a line.  Meanwhile, best wishes for a gentle transition to Spring!

Best wishes,
Violet Stone

New! Guide to URBAN Farming in NYS

Are you interested in or currently farming in a city? Do you wonder how to access land, how to reclaim a contaminated site, how to maximize use of a small growing space, or how to most successfully target your urban market? This new 105 pg guide published by the Cornell Small Farms Program answers these and many other common questions about farming in urban environments. Read the Guide online.

New! Need Help with Livestock Processing?

Are you trying to find the nearest slaughter house to your farm? Interested in the rules for on-farm processing or interested in mobile slaughter units? Have questions about licensing and regulations? You’re not alone! The Cornell Small Farms Program has put together a new resource page dedicated to helping you find answers. If you see a resource missing from these pages, please send us an email at

Violet Stone

Violet's work focuses on creating retreats, workshops and programs for the agricultural community centered on themes of connection, wellness, purpose, integrity and courage. She sees this work as contributing to a more inclusive ‘culture’ of agriculture where all voices are warmly welcomed, honored and celebrated, including the voices of our ‘inner teachers’, sometimes referred to as 'spirit' or 'soul'. Violet serves as the NY SARE Coordinator and can help farmers and educators navigate NESARE grant opportunities.


  1. Avatar of Ivan Fernandez Ivan Fernandez on September 13, 2013 at 1:45 pm

    I am a Flavor Chemist by occupation, been in the industry for 40 years. I plan on retiring and purchasing a farm in NYS. I would like to grow plants that I can make extractions and sell to the Flavor and Fragrance industry. I know enough companies who I can market the product to; one concern is the volume of plant/flower you would need to make the extractions. Is there anyone in Cornell Botanical department that can shed some ideas on the feasibility of such a venture?

  2. Avatar of Henry Larry Henry Larry on May 8, 2024 at 2:28 am

    The Cornell Small Farms Program continues to provide invaluable resources for farmers from urban farming guides to livestock processing support. It is heartening to see such dedication to fostering sustainable agriculture.
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