Posts by Maryn Carlson

SpringPhotoEssay 2it6lev

Photo Essay: Spring Peeping

By Maryn Carlson / April 2, 2012

Welcome to our new photo essay feature! For 2012, we’ll be bringing you seasonal images from the Whole Systems Design Research Farm in the Mad River Valley region of Vermont.…

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Springside Farm’s Many Baskets

By Maryn Carlson / April 2, 2012

by Larkin Kimmerer When Ed and Paulie Drexler started dairy farming together right out of college, they received a piece of advice from a professor at Cornell University: if you…

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Beginning Farmers: Help us, Help You!

By Maryn Carlson / April 2, 2012

Northeast Beginning Farmer Project Seeks Respondents for Phase 2 of Beginning Farmer Needs Survey Starting a farm is difficult, and succeeding beyond the first few years may be even more…

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